Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Finals Week

So this week is finals week at my university, and it has been crazy. I am trying to get everything put together for the wedding, like finding another DJ since ours flaked out on us, and making sure I can get everyone their invites... and finding myself a pair of shoes!!!
But this week I have fully concentrated on my studies... Well, about as much as I can, since I have to have physical therapy, and being stuck on the couch.
((This will be explained once all is over))
I am trying to concentrate on my studies, but I am being distracted at every turn. I swear, sometimes I think I have ADD, but then I remember I am planning a wedding and trying to keep up my grades. I think everyone feels this way when they are less than 3 months away from the BIG DAY.
So all I have left now is the paper. I have a rather long paper to write for a seminar class I took a few weekends ago. It was about Functional and Dysfunctional Families. For this class, we were to find a book to read and write a book report on how it pertained to the class, and I will spare you the rest.
The book I chose was Bradshaw On: The Family. It was one of the books the instructor used to base the class on. He had chose a Dr. Phil book for us to read, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy it, read it, or even pick it up from the shelf.
I guess you could say that Dr. Phil and I aren't the best of friends....
I had to write a previous paper based on a book of his, and every time I picked up the book I felt like flinging it across the room...
Maybe the aversion wasn't THAT bad, but I REALLY didn't want to go there again.
So I just wanted to let you guys know, what was up. Well, mainly I wanted to complain and ramble, but HEY, THATS FINE RIGHT???
I'm going to get back to this paper now, and get off the web.
For those of you in college GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS. And to the rest of you... BE GLAD YOU DON'T HAVE FINALS. :)
Ciao. <3

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