Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Favorites

I have recently become attached to Lauren Conrad's new website, . It has been a welcome escape from my week of horrors... I mean homework :). One of the posts she does each week is called Friday Favorites, where she posts a few things that she enjoyed throughout the week, so I decided I'd give it a whirl. Here are the thing that have gotten me through final's week:

Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino's

The song Everlong by the Foo Fighters

Cheetos Puffs

Cat Naps... Which I could use a few more of, after some almost ALL NIGHTERS...

And my nightly stress saver, my Dentek Mouth Guard. It keeps me from grinding my teeth into dust, which I do in my sleep when I am stressed out. It's a subconscious thing, that I have tried to stop, but can't. Hence these:

What are you guys' Friday Favorites? Make a blog post and link it below, or post a comment!

Much Love,

Kaylee <3 <3

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